Recurring Payment Policy

Henry’s Jewelry and awards (HJA) is authorized to perform regularly scheduled charges to customers’ credit/debit cards prior signed agreement.

The card will be charged the amount agreed by HJA and the customer each billing period. The charge will appear on the credit card statement.

No prior notification will be provided unless the date or amount changes, in which case the customer will receive notice from HJA prior to the payment being collected.

The customer understands that this authorization will remain in effect until the layaway is paid in full or is canceled by the customer in writing, in which case the customer agrees that the money paid WILL NOT BE REIMBURSE and the total amount will remain as full credit store.

The customer agrees to notify HJA in writing of any changes in his/her account information or termination of this authorization at least 15 days prior to the next billing date. If the above-noted payment dates fall on a weekend or holiday, I understand that the payments may be executed on the next business day.

The customer acknowledges that the origination of Credit Card transactions to his/her account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law.

The customer certifies that is an authorized user of the Credit Card and will not dispute these scheduled transactions; so long as the transactions correspond to the terms indicated in the authorization form.

PRICE TERMS. The goods will be furnished at the price set forth in a ticket number provided by HJA

RETURN AND REFUND: If the customer cancels a LAYAWAY, 100% of the amount paid can be used as a credit in the store, ONLY for purchases or other layaways, credit CAN NOT be used for pawns.

REFUND IS NOT ALLOWED on layaways. Jewelry purchased on layaway IS NOT returnable.

DISCOUNT: 12% will be applied to the layaway, no discount will be applied if at some point a payment can’t be processed due to insufficient funds, under this scenario, the layaway will be automatically canceled, HJA will display the good for sale and the money paid by the customer shall be used as FULL STORE CREDIT. The credit will be available for two years from the last payment, after that time it is understood that the customer gives up the right to use the money paid  2nd HANDS ITEMS AND PRODUCTS ORDER THROUGH  CATALOG  DON’T HAVE DISCOUNT.